Iasi – outdoor museum

Iasi is a city located in N-E side of Romania, with 357,192 people and more than 50,000 students and former capital of Romania. There were many actions that influenced the development and emancipation of this country.

Iasi is a city where culture has an important influence on its history and development. The most important Romanian writers lived/studied and expressed their artistic talents and published in local magazines. First theatre piece was in Iasi, first printing and more. “Vasile Alecsandri” theatre was first national theatre from Romania. First Romanian member at of the Royal Academy of Science in Berlin was Dimitrie Cantemir, Prince of Moldova who studied and is buried in Iasi.

TNI (48)Also, in Iasi was one of the most important Hebrew Community from Romania. Here was founded first Hebrew theatre from the world. Great Synagogue, the first Jewish house of worship in Romania – was built in Iasi (1659-1670). The building exterior is simple, but the interior is decorated and equipped with specific religious objects, chandeliers, candlesticks valuable.


As a result of culture influence, in Iasi was founded first Romanian University that exists today and which is called “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University. And this is why Iasi gave first women professor, first women surgeon, first women lawyer from Romania. Also, in Iasi we could found one of the best libraries from the world, library of the “Gheorghe Asachi” University.



Specific places from Romanian stories like “3 sarmale”, “Bolta Rece” or “Bucium” still exist here, but these are more or less accessible. History and modernity meet here and create a modern city with beautiful views and rich culture. A city steel green where people combine useful with pleasant.

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